5-count with double passes vs pass, self, zip, self, self - 7966266666

From jugglingpatterns

Sibling Pattern

This is the sibling pattern to 5-count vs doublepass, self, zip, self - 9667266666.

The patterns differ in which side of the pattern has a self-zip to create a matching pattern of double passes with single passes that resembles a 5-count


  • solid 3 club cascade for both sides, more specifically
  • Some other pattern containing the sequence "self zip".

Pattern Description

Straight passes (both sides): A starts with a single pass and throws pass, self, zip, self, self , B starts a bit later with a double pass into a 5-count with double passes.

Diagonal passes (both sides): Same as with straight passes, but one side has to start with their left hand (probably easier for the side that throws single passes).

 A2|1: P   S   Z   S   S
 B2|1:   D   S   S   S   S

P = single pass

D = double pass

S = self

Z = zip

Additional Things To Do

  • Obviously, the side with single passes can throw early doubles, if the pattern feels comfortable.
  • The self-zip can be switched against flip-flip
  • The zip can be done behind the back